Tuesday, June 8, 2010


i want the real holiday lah..........
not holiday with stupid damn homework la...............
smpai kawin cuti aq ade kerja.......
please la teacher!

Monday, June 7, 2010


seriously...his love that i can feel
is really warm...
thanx for your love....
gah~  today is the best day..thnx to him..
i am more closer to him now.....
now we can share our stories..even though both of us came from different world..
lbnl...I LOVE YOU 

Thursday, June 3, 2010

our Princes's words.....

well..enjoy..i got this from my friend'd twitter..
gah~ i addicted to it!! huhuhu

SM: "I'm so good at everything, there's nothing I'm not good at, I'm a genius--"/ YS: "Sungmin?"/ SM: "Yea?"/ YS: "Stop talking non-sense."/

KG: "Out of all the members, who has the prettiest butt?" / RW: "KYUHYUNNIE! Really, Kyuhyunsshi's butt is.. there's like elastic in it.."
*Kangin videocalling Heechul*] Kangin: "Hyung! it's me!" / Heechul: "...why do you look like a beggar"
 Hankyung: "Hello~ This is Hankyung~" / Heechul: "Grandpa, did you eat?!" / Hankyung: "Yes! Yes!"
Shin Dong Yup: "If you eat this leaf, you can't experience a single type of taste. You can't experience it at all." / Ryeowook: "Forever?!?"
ELF: "Marry me" / Kyuhyun: "When Sungmin allows"
ELF: "The most handsome man on earth is Kyuhyun" / Kyuhyun: "I know"
ELF: "Kyuhyun I love you." / Kyuhyun: "Ah, the popularity of this lad (referring to himself)"
eeteuk: "We're going to continue on until the day that Pearl Sapphire Blue balloons cover the entire world."
Sungmin: "Isn't this what love is? It's because you love that you worry, you support, and you want to make someone happy."
Kangin: "Lady socks. Many color. Coffee. Yeah, ok. Two style. Panty style. Short style."
Eunhyuk: "I collect cars. I do it everyday! Because it is..... Fun" ;o
Sungmin: "Super Junior K.R.Y + T + M + Happy = 1"
Heechul: "The emperor can't live without the chef."
Siwon: "Well he IS handsome" / Heechul: "I don't have any choice but to be proud!"
Shin Dong Yup: "Are you confident?" / Eunhyuk: "Of course! I've always been interested in things involving hitting people."
Donghae: "You are so gorgeous" / Woman: "Oh, Thank You. Age~!" / Donghae: "B" / Woman: "C" / Donghae: "D..."
Eunhyuk: "Do you know how to introduce yourself? In English?" / Eeteuk: *laughs* "My name is Eeteuk. My job.. Shinger."
MC: "Yesung, what is your sport?" / Yesung: "Collecting bugs."
E.L.F: "Who does Donghae-oppa belong to?" / Kyuhyun: "Donghae is mine."
... ..........................................................................................................................
Hangeng: "Don't talk~" / Heechul: "IF I DON'T TALK WHO WILL UNDERSTAND YOU?! Why do you think they sent me along?!"
Kibum: "Your hands are so ugly looking." / Eunhyuk: "Oppa, your face is too."
Eunhyuk: "Before, when I first saw Donghae, I really liked him." / Donghae: "WHAT!?"
Foreigner: "So, do you like X-Men?" / Eunhyuk: "I'm not X-Men!"
ELF: "Thank you for being a singer." / Kyuhyun: "Thank you for being E.L.F."


i can't wait to go home!!
gah~its already 3 months since i left my home!
rumah~ whoa~ sume org dh gila ngan SUPER JUNIOR!!!!!
as a PURE E.L.F...hati aq berkata..
"korang ni bwat menyemak jer dlm komuniti aq la"


p/s: happy 4th anniversary E.L.F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!